Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 0 - The Night Before

I will leave for Luxembourg tomorrow at 2:05 PM.

I have everything on my list packed except for the few things I will need tomorrow morning. Laundry done, clothes sorted into bags so they don't get wet, various items put wherever I had room for them. Global phone activated, travel confirmation printed, checked into my flight, printed boarding passes. Bought some last minute things. Weighed my suitcase, going to be a close one. Cameras, phones, and computer charged and ready. Can't find my headphones but maybe I'll manage to.

Maybe I didn't clean enough but I think it will be alright. At least dishes are done, and trash is taken out. Everything unnecessary will be unplugged.

This isn't my first flight over the Atlantic but it certainly is the first I've had to worry about so many things. The fact that I will be on, or on my way to, a plane hasn't quite sunken in yet. It probably will when I'm actually on the plane.

I hope I didn't forget anything. I'll probably remember 5 minutes after the plane takes off.

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