Friday, May 4, 2012

Road to RAGBRAI: Tan Lines

Distance: 17 mi / 27.3 km
Time: 1 hour 30 min 
Route Taken: Riverside/Big Woods

I took a short ride today to at least attempt to make up for not riding extra yesterday. Although, my main plan was to go up to Big Woods and lay out for a bit to enjoy the really warm weather (and to soften my biker tan lines)I did about 12 miles before Big Woods by taking a loop around Riverside trails. For some reason, it seemed a bit harder today than it usually does. I'm not sure if its a bit of fatigue, the humidity, or the heat, or just me being weak, but I got tired much quicker than I usually do. I didn't exhaust myself, of course, but I felt a bit drained. I think it was probably the humidity.

When I got to Big Woods I changed into my swimsuit bottoms (I was already wearing the top) and rode to one of the hidden beaches. This is the first time I rode with the new seat without bike shorts. I wouldn't be able to do it for long; there are lots of metal bits near bare skin and it would just...hurt. Anyway, I got to the area, which wasn't too far (about a quarter of the way around the lake), set up my towel, and laid down for a bit. It didn't take long for me to move my towel from the ground to the bench, however, since there were lots of bugs...everywhere.

I saw butterflies by the hundreds today. Half of the time I was laying out I had my eyes open watching them. I did eventually get my camera and start sneaking up on them. Most of them were too smart for that but I did get pretty close to a couple of them. The downside was...the flies. They kept annoying me and biting. Well, that comes with being outside, I suppose.

After about an hour, I decided it was time to come home. I did a lap around the lake, and then headed back. I didn't push myself too hard today because I will be taking the bike to work, so that's another 10.4 miles to add to today. It was very humid at this point so I didn't bother to put my tank top back on. Keeping cool trumps shame as far as I'm concerned.

I have two days off in a row next week so I will attempt to ride two long rides in a row. I'll probably be tired as hell afterwards, but if I want to do RAGBRAI I better get used to it...

Enjoy the extra pictures today!

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