Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 2: Luxembourg: Old Town and First Tourism Moments

So today we took a path pretty similar to one that I took in 2012 the first time I visited Luxembourg, and one almost identical to the one in 2013 with my friend Kari. Today I played tour guide alone, since Charel had to work.

I didn't take any pictures today, because I was in tour guide mode and I've seen most of it several times before. My mom will have pictures on her entry for today: Day 2

We walked through the Alzette valley towards the town, through the Grund, and up the hill to the old fortress part of town. We toured the casemates, which are the series of tunnels underneath Luxembourg town. Dick took a video of them while we climbed the crazy dangerous spiral staircases carved in stone. Made me feel a bit like we had traveled back in time.

After lunch (at Pizza Hut!), we took a quick walk through the main street and then went to the town history museum. At this point, everyone was already pretty pooped so we went through it all quite quickly. It was good to see the wooden relief carvings of the town again, though. It always helps to put things in perspective.

We briefly visited the GĂ«lle Fra, the golden statue of a lady on the plaza next to the river valley. A quick bus ride, a short food shopping trip, and another quick bus ride took us home. We walked a total of about 5 miles today.

Tomorrow we go to town again, though we have Charel as the tour guide. We'll go to the natural history museum along with some other small things.

Bis Muer!

*Edit* Dick posted a couple of videos of the trip:

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