Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 10 - Luxembourg City Town Museum

Another museum day today, which means no pictures. I didn't even get the camera out of the bag.

Luxembourg Town Museum is where we went today, located near the Palace. The outside is an enormous glass front, where you can see all the levels of the museum.

The museum is interactive, much like the Grout Museum in Waterloo, where there are lots of sounds to accompany the sights, and a few touch screens that you could use to get more information. Plus, there were captions in English!

A few points that stood out for me:
-The theme of carved wooden reliefs of the town, each one showing the growth.
-Hearing the Grand Dutchess' speech from World War II in London (her English was very good, and her accent sounded a lot like Charel's and his mom's accents)
-Seeing propaganda posters in life-size, full color
-A series on homeless in Luxembourg, including photos of their possessions

There was a lot to see, of course. A lot of names I don't know from history, but the visual aspect was still great to see.

A bonus highlight of my day? Walking through a pedestrian district hand-in-hand with my boyfriend while the cathedral bells chimed behind us. Made even the cold seem okay.

Big day tomorrow!

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