Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 16 - Date in Luxembourg City

No pictures again today, sorry. I didn't feel like playing tourist mode while going out w/ my boyfriend. Although I did see lots of things I want to get pictures of some other time.

We went into Luxembourg City today for a Valentine's dinner. No roses or chocolates (not from Charel, his mom gave me some though) or even a movie. I like chocolates but roses and movies aren't really my thing. We went to an Italian restaurant, Restaurant Pizzeria Bacchus. We were worried that there might not be a seat for us, but that was quickly determined false, as we were the first ones to arrive for dinner. The waiter was an Italian. I guess in Luxembourg, unlike the US, the nationality of a restaurant (Chinese, Italian, Greek, etc) means that it is likely owned and staffed by people from that country. Makes sense for Europe, I suppose. Anyway, we got champagne complimentary with our meal (it was poured as soon as we sat down), and as Charel doesn't drink alcohol, I got two glasses of champagne.

Charel ordered a pizza, but as I eat pizza every day at home, I decided to go with lasagna. Charel also ordered me a Bofferding, another Luxembourgish beer. It is pretty similar to the Diekirch I had in Vianden, but a bit more  bitter in taste. Still, it was very tasty. So was the lasagna.

Our waiter was pretty funny, he did speak English but it was a bit strange to me. He hovered a bit, but as we were the only people there for the majority of the time, it really didn't surprise or bother me.

I had tiramisu for dessert. This was also very good, but clashed a bit with the beer, so I finished the beer first. Charel had some sort of mousse thing, I didn't try it. There was also a couple of wrapped desserts, I tried both. One was sort of a rolled-up tube of sweet dough, the other was a small nut-like sweet. I would use Charel's descriptions, but he calls pretty much everything a "cookie" (which confused me at first).

We rode the bus home. I was stuffed full after dinner, but I may have a chocolate or two (they're Belgian, and very good) before bed. Bed early tonight, because the train leaves at 6:40 am tomorrow. Expect tons of pictures tomorrow!

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