Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 3 - A Cold Day in Luxembourg

Well, today was the first "real" day here in Luxembourg, although I had trouble sleeping last night. Woke up halfway through the night and was O.O wide awake. Well, after a sleep aid and an hour or so on the internet, I managed to fall asleep again. I was a bit irritated at my boyfriend, who after 9 hours asleep sort of acted like an excited puppy. (I just got a pillow to the face for typing that one). I managed to convince him to let me sleep another half an hour, somehow.

We took a short trip to the Belle Étoile mall in order to purchase things such as shampoo and conditioner that I didn't want to deal with the hassle of bringing in my suitcase. We enjoyed a quick walk around the mall, and then back to the house for some lunch.

After lunch, we began to walk through the town. I'm really not sure how far we ended up walking, but we walked for 2-3 hours at least. 

Our travels were full of quite a few landmarks and beautiful sights, so many that if I were to post them all it would take up a colossal amount of space. Here is the facebook album link if you did not already see them: Luxembourg City

The architecture here is very, very different from Iowa. No surprise there. It is a very refreshing change to the drab gray and white square buildings. There are many more hills and valleys (so far).

We passed some houses and a couple schools, then walked down a street past the police station and some hotels. We reached, then crossed, the old bridge over the valley. The wind was quite strong, and very cold, so I was unable to enjoy the scenery as much as I would have liked. We then passed the WWII memorials, the judicial buildings (swarming with Japanese tourists), and then down the street to a market district. I took quite a few pictures here, as well.
I never got bored of the scenery, but eventually we had to stop for hot chocolate at an Italian cafe because my fingers were cold to the point of agony. The Italian waiter spoke German, and American hip-hop videos played on a screen behind us. It was sort of strange.

After the hot chocolate, we decided to ride the bus home, due to the cold.

We will be going back into town tomorrow, so hopefully we get to see the things we missed today.

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