Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 12 - A Quiet Day in Bonnevoie

I don't have much for you today. We didn't even go anywhere, really, aside from a couple places. These weren't the "visit the museum/castle/historic place" type, they were more mundane than that. I still have a couple things to say, though

We went to the store today (small grocery store). Now, I had been to one of these before, but it still kind of impacted me since I was surrounded by other languages. I even needed an item (a...female one), and couldn't find it, so Charel had to ask for me. The poor lady he asked looked confused for a moment, but I think she figured it out because she said to me "over there" in English (after a string of French to which I probably looked like I didn't understand). I had almost gone up to her myself, but I wasn't sure if the item had the same name (it does). I suppose I will have to start learning some new vocabulary if I ever hope to find anything in this place.

Our second trip of the day was to the recycling center. This one is much more extensive than the one I would go to in Cedar Falls (if I recycled, that is). It made me realize just how much I throw away. Maybe I should start recycling, although I'm not sure if I would have the patience for it. I will certainly give it some thought.

We had pizza for supper today, and as much as I eat pizza at home, I still enjoyed it quite a bit. Homemade, too, so extra bonus on that.

Charel and I plan to relax over the weekend, so not a lot of news to report the next couple of days. I will, however, try to get a few pictures of things around the house, such as some of the labels in Dutch/French. There are also lots of flowers around the house. Anyone that knows me longer than a day usually figures out how much I enjoy taking pictures of flowers. I will deliver something for you all to read, though!

(PS - I added a bit of content to the other two tabs on the blog. Not much, but something)

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