Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 15 - Arts and Crafts

We didn't go out today until 2:30 pm or so today, and only to a few places.

We first went to a Saturn store, which is an electronics store here, not a car dealership. The headset I use for Skype has been acting up for awhile now, and Charel got so fed up with it he bought me a new one. We have yet to test it. We looked at PC games and such, but I wasn't as interested as I'd usually be, for the simple fact that all the games were either in German or French.

Our next stop was a crafts store. I'm an artist, as most of you know. I have a special place in my heart for origami. For Christmas, Charel had bought me lots of origami paper. This is the store he had bought it at. I went there to buy more, and to get supplies for a project that combined both origami and video games. I had figured out how to fold the fox model in my origami book, so, inspired by Atlantica Online (the video game I play, for those not aware), I made this:

My mount in-game on the left. My origami re-creation on the right.
I must say, I'm pretty proud of myself for this one. Even though it shows how absolutely a nerd I am. Anyway, back to the craft store. It has a little bit of everything, much like a Michaels or a Hobby Lobby would, only a bit smaller and a lot less lawn decorations. Beads, tons of paper, fabric, mosaic materials, clay, wood crafts...tons of stuff. I instantly wanted to take up 5 new kinds of art. Sadly though, I neither have the money or room in my suitcase, so I settled on buying two sizes of origami paper, some ribbon and beads for the fox up there, and a couple of fabric hearts that Charel grabbed and handed to me with the words "Do something with this." Challenge accepted, my dear.

We then went to a place where I had wanted to go, but was certainly not new to me: Subway. I partially wanted to go because I wanted to see how different it was, and partially because it's been a long time since I've had a Subway sandwich and I really wanted one. The answer to the first reason is that its not different at all. The tables, the wall art, the menu....all exactly the same. The biggest difference was the sandwich lady speaking first. She heard the English translation and apparently understood me, because she started talking in English to me directly. Yay! That made things soooo much easier. One other difference, sadly, was no Mountain Dew. Oh well. I'm sure I'll drink plenty when I get home.

One common, and odd, theme of the day was...British people. We saw (and heard) them everywhere we went. It looked like it was a class trip or something, because a lot of them were fairly young and grouped together in herds the size teenagers usually group in. I saw about 10 of them almost get hit by a car. I'm not sure what part of the UK they are from, I'm not good at identifying that. I didn't talk to any of them but I was quietly amused to hear English from a large group again.

Valentine's Day is tomorrow. I know we're going out to dinner but I'm not sure what else is going on.

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